Privacy Policy

1. Introduction


Welcome to BudgeTrip, your go-to platform for budget travel planning. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal information when you use our services. By accessing or using the BudgeTrip website, you consent to the practices described in this policy.


2. Information We Collect


We may collect the following types of information:



  • Personal Information: Name, email address, contact information, and other details you provide during registration or while using our services.
  • Travel Information: Itinerary, destination, travel preferences, and booking details you share with us.
  • Usage Data: Information about your interactions with our website, including IP addresses, device information, browser type, and pages visited.



3. How We Use Your Data


We may use your information for various purposes, including but not limited to:



  • Providing and improving our services.
  • Facilitating travel bookings and reservations.
  • Sending you updates, travel recommendations, and promotional offers (with your consent).
  • Analyzing website usage to enhance user experience.


4. Sharing Your Data


We may share your information with:


  • Service providers, partners, and travel vendors to facilitate your travel bookings.
  • Legal authorities when required by law or to protect our rights and interests.
  • Third parties with your explicit consent.


5. Your Choices


You have the right to:


  • Review, update, correct, or delete your personal information.
  • Opt out of receiving marketing communications.
  • Manage cookie settings through your web browser.


6. Security


We employ reasonable security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access and disclosure. However, no method of data transmission or storage is entirely secure.


7. Children's Privacy


BudgeTrip services are not intended for children under 13. We do not knowingly collect information from users under this age.


8. Changes to this Policy


We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy. The latest revision date will be indicated at the top of the page.


9. Contact Us


If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [Your Contact Information].